Directory of Semiskilled Trades

Sector : 11 - Mechanical Manufacturing Info

8794 Stock Handler

The competency has been added.
Field of application Stock handlers work in warehouses in food processing plants or manufacturing plants that produce a range of products such as electrical appliances or electronics, mechanical parts, furniture, and rubber products. They may also work in distribution centres for these type of products.
Other job titles Warehouse clerk; receiving clerk; shipping clerk.
Information specific to the trade Sections 256.2 and 256.3 of the Regulation respecting occupational health and safety (CQLR, c. S-2.1, r. 13) stipulate that an operator of a fork lift truck must be at least 16 years old and must have undergone appropriate training.

522 - Operate a lift truck Optional task or competency 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Observance of the maximum load capacity of lift truck and grasping attachments
  • Observance of traffic rules
  • Compliance with lift truck shutdown and start procedures
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Accurate interpretation of signalling instructions
  • Concern for pedestrian safety
  • Careful handling of merchandise, materials, products, etc.
  • Safe driving of lift truck


  • Check that the lift truck and its accessories are working properly.
  • Install or remove grasping equipment.
  • Use the various driver safety devices: seat belt, screen doors, etc.
  • Start the lift truck.
  • Manoeuvre with the (loaded or empty) lift truck: move forward or backward, make forward or backward turns, check blind spots, etc.
  • Shut down the lift truck: put the engine in neutral, engage the parking brake, lower the loading device, etc.

721 - Help load or unload a vehicle 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Observance of hygiene and cleanliness rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Compliance with quality standards
  • Compliance with the loading plan
  • Proper use of materials-handling equipment
  • Safe driving of lift truck
  • Efficient work
  • Demonstration of ability to work in a team
  • Careful handling of merchandise


  • Receive instructions from the person in charge about the transport companies, delivery schedules, receiving or shipping docks, etc.).
  • Choose the materials-handling equipment in accordance with the form and weight of the merchandise.
  • Check the condition of the materials-handling equipment (dolly, hand truck, pallet truck, lift truck, etc.).
  • Take safety measures when loading or unloading: check access ramps, space, lighting, etc.
  • Check the cleanliness of the truck before starting to load and notify the person in charge of any problems.
  • Use materials-handling equipment (dolly, pallet truck, hand truck or lift truck) to place the raw materials, semi-finished or finished products in the vehicle.
  • Use materials-handling equipment (dolly, pallet truck, hand truck or lift truck) to unload the raw materials, semi-finished products or finished products from the vehicle.

710 - Receive or help receive merchandise, raw materials, semi-finished products, etc. 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Observance of hygiene and cleanliness rules
  • Observance of rules with respect to hazardous materials
  • Compliance with quality standards
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Compliance with company policies
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Accurate data
  • Careful handling of merchandise


  • Receive instructions from the person in charge about the delivery schedule and types of merchandise (food products, dry goods, animals, materials, hazardous materials, etc.).
  • Welcome the driver of the delivery vehicle.
  • Read over the delivery documents: check the delivery location, date and time.
  • Sign the shipping receipt.
  • Notify quality control so they can come and check the raw materials.
  • Cross-check the delivered merchandise against the ordered merchandise (type of merchandise, quantity, etc.).
  • Check the condition of the merchandise: do a visual inspection of the packaging or boxes, open a container, count the items, etc.
  • Apply the prescribed procedure if merchandise is damaged or does not comply.
  • Use an optical scanner to record the entry of the merchandise.
  • Fill out the administrative forms and send them to the department concerned or to the designated person.
  • Detect any problems and notify the person in charge.

829401 - Visually inspect merchandise, raw materials, semi-finished products, etc. Optional task or competency 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Observance of hygiene and cleanliness rules
  • Observance of rules with respect to hazardous materials
  • Compliance with quality standards
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Compliance with company policies
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Accurate data
  • Appropriate judgment
  • Demonstration of a keen sense of observation


  • Open a box, unpack a crate, unwrap a package, etc.
  • Randomly examine various products.
  • Fill out administrative forms.
  • Detect any problems and notify the person in charge.
  • Inspection in distribution centres Optional task or competency

829402 - Store merchandise, raw materials, semi-finished products, etc. 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Observance of hygiene and cleanliness rules
  • Observance of rules with respect to hazardous materials
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Observance of traffic rules in the warehouse
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Proper use of materials-handling equipment
  • Proper use of computerized equipment
  • Compliance with the storage or warehousing plan


  • Find out about the storage plan.
  • Find out about instructions for stock rotation.
  • Take boxes, bags, etc. and place them on a dolly, handcart or manual pallet truck, or lift the crates with a lift truck.
  • Move the merchandise into the warehouse.
  • Check the cleanliness of the storage areas (no physical, chemical or biological contaminants) and the temperature in the cold rooms or freezers.
  • Place the merchandise in the designated storage areas.
  • Record data for inventory purposes.
  • Detect any problems and notify the person in charge.

829403 - Ship merchandise, raw materials, semi-finished products, etc., or help ship them 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Observance of hygiene and cleanliness rules
  • Observance of rules with respect to hazardous materials
  • Compliance with quality standards
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Compliance with company policies
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Proper use of equipment
  • Accurate data
  • Careful handling of merchandise


  • Prepare the merchandise.
  • Verify the merchandise to be shipped: quality of packaging, labels, information indicated on the labels, etc.).
  • Verify the shipping documents: place, date, time, etc.
  • Fill out administrative forms and forward them to the department or person concerned.
  • Record outgoing merchandise.
  • Detect any problems and notify the person in charge.

112 - Help clean and tidy up the warehouse 1

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Proper use of cleaning materials, equipment and products
  • Order and cleanliness


  • Maintain the handling equipment.
  • Put away the handling equipment.
  • Put away the pallets.
  • Put away the packaging materials, cardboard boxes and other containers.
  • Salvage recyclable materials and dispose of waste.
  • Sweep the floor.
  • Detect any problems and notify the person in charge.
Info Optional competency or task. Competencies or tasks marked with this symbol are not required in all workplaces. They could be included in a student’s training plan if the practicum setting offers the opportunity for the student to apply them.