Directory of Semiskilled Trades

Sector : 12 - Forestry and Pulp and Paper Info

8846 Forester

The competency has been added.
Field of application Foresters are employed by forestry work contractors, forest management organizations, forest cooperatives, wood industry groups or band councils. Reforestation work can be carried out on public or private forest wildlands or agricultural wildlands, in prepared or unprepared ground. Foresters transplant bareroot or potted conifer seedlings (white spruce, jack pine, red pine, etc.). They may also transplant deciduous seedlings (maple, yellow birch, hybrid poplar, etc.).
Other job titles Silviculture worker – forester; manual tree planter

834601 - Participate in the reforestation work information session 2

Performance criteria

  • Attentive listening to explanations
  • Asking of relevant questions
  • Foresight


  • Listen to the explanations about the setup, use and maintenance of reforestation equipment (harness, hand planter, shovel, etc.) and personal protection equipment (safety hat, safety glasses, safety gloves and safety boots with safety toecaps and nonslip soles).
  • Listen to the explanations about the work to be done (silvicultural prescriptions, reforestation techniques, topographic analysis of the land, reforestation sites, forest tree species, etc.).
  • Listen to the explanations about the specific characteristics of the territory and potential sources of danger (heat stroke, insect bites, wild animals, etc.).
  • Ensure that he/she fully understands the tasks to be done as well as the instructions to follow in case of an emergency (provide care or first aid in case of heat stroke or serious allergic reactions, use the emergency communication system, know the procedure for evacuating and transporting those who are injured in the forest, etc.).
  • At the end of the meeting, do a final check (harness, tools, food and water container, proper clothing, personal protection equipment, etc.) before leaving.

834602 - Handle the seedlings 1

Performance criteria

  • Observance of occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Correct identification of the main species of trees
  • Careful handling of merchandise


  • Unload the seedlings from the delivery vehicle (bareroot or potted coniferous or deciduous saplings).
  • Put the seedlings in the designated area to avoid stressing them too much (change of temperature, lack of water, etc.).
  • At the request of the person in charge, water the seedlings.
  • Load the seedlings onto the ATV, if needed.
  • Transport the seedlings to the reforestation site.
  • Put the seedlings somewhere where it will be easy to supply the foresters. Optional task or competency

834603 - Plant the potted coniferous or deciduous trees in the ground 2

Performance criteria

  • Observance of occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with the silvicultural prescription
  • Observance of environmental laws and regulations
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Appropriate use of tools
  • Demonstration of perseverance
  • Demonstration of the ability to adapt to different environments
  • Satisfactory performance
  • Concern for not damaging the plants


  • Put on the harness with holders and put the pots of coniferous seedlings into the holders.
  • Arrive at the reforestation site: look around and find a reference point or determine his/her position with a direction-finder, observe the position of the sun and, if necessary, check the position of other foresters, etc.
  • Select the tree’s microsite, taking into consideration the natural obstacles and soil type.
  • Push the manual planter into the earth and pull it back out.
  • Place the seedling in the hole, ensuring that the plant is straight.
  • Compact the soil around the seedling.
  • Check the quality of his/her work.
  • Select another microsite, taking into consideration the prescribed spacing between the seedlings.
  • Continue the reforestation work planned for the day.

834604 - Plant the bareroot coniferous or deciduous trees in the ground 2

Performance criteria

  • Observance of occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with the silvicultural prescription
  • Observance of environmental laws and regulations
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Appropriate use of tools
  • Demonstration of perseverance
  • Demonstration of the ability to adapt to different environments
  • Satisfactory performance
  • Concern for not damaging the plants


  • Put on the harness for pouches and attach the pouches containing the bareroot coniferous seedlings.
  • Arrive at the reforestation site: look around and find a reference point or determine his/her position with a direction-finder, observe the position of the sun and, if necessary, check the position of other foresters, etc.
  • Select the tree’s microsite, taking into consideration the natural obstacles and soil type.
  • Use a shovel to dig a hole.
  • Put the seedling in the hole, spread out its roots and ensure that it is straight.
  • Refill the hole with the dug-out soil.
  • Compact the soil around the seedling, taking care not to damage the roots.
  • Place mulch around the seedling. Optional task or competency
  • Install various protective guards around the seedling. Optional task or competency
  • Check the quality of the work.
  • Select another microsite, taking into consideration the prescribed spacing between the seedlings.
  • Continue the reforestation work planned for the day.

834605 - Complete the work day 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Accurate calculations
  • Cleanliness of site


  • Count the number of seedlings planted.
  • Record the data in a notebook. Optional task or competency
  • Pick up the empty containers or bags.
  • Load the empty containers or bags onto the ATV.
  • Pick up the shovel or hand planter and make sure nothing is left behind on the reforestation site.

717 - Take action in an emergency situation in a remote area Optional task or competency 2

Performance criteria

  • Observance of occupational health and safety rules
  • staying within the limits of the occupation
  • Observance of the procedure to follow in emergency situations
  • Correct application of the communication protocol
  • Proper use of the material in the first-aid kit
  • Self-control
  • Promptness


  • Recognize that the situation is an emergency.
  • Notify the person in charge or make an emergency call using a cell phone (310 4141 or 911), a short-wave radio system or a satellite device: identify yourself, give the exact site coordinates, explain the situation, find out what measures to take, etc.
  • Apply the prescribed measures.
  • Reassure the person and stay with them until help arrives.
  • Intervene while being mindful of your own safety.
  • Write an event report.

553 - Survival in a remote area 2

Performance criteria

  • Observance of occupational health and safety rules
  • Observance of the proper procedure
  • Proper use of the material in the first-aid kit
  • Correct application of the survival techniques, taking into account the place and the season
  • Appropriate reaction in the event of a confrontation with a wild animal
  • Self-control
  • Patience


  • Acknowledge that you are lost.
  • Make a fire: select the site, collect dry wood and branches, moss, bark, etc., arrange the wood, light it and keep feeding the fire.
  • Signal your position: whistle, flashlight, fire, flare, satellite emergency system, etc.
  • Take shelter: find a place to wait for rescue (branches, uprooted tree, rock crevice, etc.) or build an emergency shelter.
  • Find drinking water, eat the dried foods in the survival kit or find food nearby (gather wild fruit and mushrooms known to be edible; capture animals such as porcupines, etc.).
Info Optional competency or task. Competencies or tasks marked with this symbol are not required in all workplaces. They could be included in a student’s training plan if the practicum setting offers the opportunity for the student to apply them.