Directory of Semiskilled Trades

Sector : 02 - Agriculture and Fisheries Info

8769 Indoor Plant Tender

Field of application Plant tenders work for companies that provide specialized horticultural services to government ministries, public bodies or companies in the private sector. They work alone.
Other job titles No other job title

826901 - Prepare to visit the customer for the first time 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Good organizational skills
  • Careful handling of plants
  • Concern for company profitability
  • Punctuality


  • Receive instructions from the horticulturist in charge (addresses of the places to visit, representatives’ names, specifics of the agreements, etc.).
  • Check the schedule.
  • Consult the interior landscape plan for each place to be visited (location of plants and their common names). Optional task or competency
  • Consult the plant maintenance sheet for each place to be visited. Optional task or competency
  • Make certain to have the material required (tools, plant debris bags or containers, sprayer, watering can, work gloves, etc.).
  • Select the products needed (fertilizer, premixed products, etc.).

826902 - Prepare the plants for transportation Optional task or competency 1

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Concern for client satisfaction.
  • Careful handling of plants


  • Receive instructions from the horticulturist in charge
  • Cross-check the plant(s) against the order (plant names, quantities, pot size, specific characteristics, etc.).
  • Examine each plant in order to discover any problems.
  • Select the packaging material.
  • Package the plant(s).
  • Attach a label.
  • Transport the plant(s) or put them on a cart.

826903 - Ensure client service 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Clear communication with customers
  • Presentation of positive image of the business
  • Appropriate attire
  • Discretion
  • Courteous service
  • Concern for client satisfaction.
  • Punctuality
  • Consistency of work


  • Upon arriving at the establishment, ask the representative of the organization or company if there are any specific instructions.
  • Greet staff members or respond to the greetings of the clients of a shopping centre, financial institution, etc.
  • Answer questions concisely.
  • Communicate with the horticulturist in charge when needed.

826904 - Carry out regular maintenance of indoor plants 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • staying within the limits of the occupation
  • Correct identification of indoor plants
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Proper use of tools and equipment
  • Proper time management
  • Demonstration of a keen sense of observation
  • Discretion
  • Plants in good condition


  • Check how moist the soil is and water the plants as needed.
  • Fertilize the plants.
  • Trim the plants (remove stems that are interfering with vigour or aesthetics, pinch off or disbud, etc.). Optional task or competency
  • Clean the plants (dust the foliage, remove dead leaves and flowers, etc.
  • Wash or spray and polish foliage.
  • Break up the surface of the soil.
  • Stake the plants. Optional task or competency
  • Put the plants in decorative planters. Optional task or competency
  • Rotate the plants. Optional task or competency
  • Check that the automatic plant watering system is working properly. Optional task or competency
  • Notify the person in charge about any plants that require specific care, present irregularities or should be replaced.
  • Complete the monitoring sheet for the establishment visited. Optional task or competency

826905 - Keep the premises clean and maintain the equipment 1

Performance criteria

  • Concern for client satisfaction.
  • Order and cleanliness
  • Good condition of goods and premises


  • Be sure to protect the work area (office, space in the lobby, etc.), as needed.
  • Store tools and materials in an appropriate place
  • After watering, wipe up any puddles or drops of water.
  • Dry the pots.
  • Put the plant debris in the designated place.
  • Sweep or vacuum (portable or not) to pick up spilled soil, dry leaves, etc.
  • Wipe the tools and put them away.
Info Optional competency or task. Competencies or tasks marked with this symbol are not required in all workplaces. They could be included in a student’s training plan if the practicum setting offers the opportunity for the student to apply them.