Directory of Semiskilled Trades

Sector : 15 - Mining and Site Operations Info

8849 Camp Assistant

Field of application Camp assistants work at temporary camp sites for mining prospectors or researchers, or in a permanent camp for mining companies planning for operations. Such camps may be on public or private land, or on the James Bay and northern Québec agreement territories. In camps of under 10 people, camp assistants take part in organizing meals.
Other job titles Attendant, camp attendant, camp employee
Specific admission requirements
Information specific to the trade

The minimum age to drive a snowmobile or an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) is 16 years. A certificate of aptitude is required for drivers aged 16 or 17 years. In both instances, the individual must hold an attestation to that effect issued by the school board.

A person has to be at least 16 years old to operate a pleasure craft. In addition, the Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations requires operators of pleasure crafts to hold a Pleasure Craft Operator Card.

834901 - Prepare the equipment required to set up a temporary summer or winter camp 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Good organizational skills
  • Foresight


  • Receive instructions from the person in charge of the camp concerning the camp site, the length of the stay, the season, the number of workers, etc.
  • Check the state of the tents (sturdiness of the stitching, impermeability of the canvas, presence of mould, condition of the mosquito nets, number and condition of tent pegs, etc.) and, if necessary, apply a waterproofing spray and replace or repair components that are worn, torn or broken.
  • Check the state of the refrigeration, cooking and heating equipment, and clean and disinfect it.
  • Check the state of generators, pumps, extension cords, propane gas canisters, etc.
  • Check the state of the tools and sharpen the axes if necessary.
  • Have damaged materials and tools repaired or replaced.
  • Ensure that the camp has the equipment required to contain contaminant spills.
  • To assemble the communications and orientation equipment (topographic maps, compass, GPS system, satellite communication system, satellite emergency system, etc.).
  • Fill out an inventory form. Optional task or competency
  • Wrap the equipment and place it in containers.
  • Detect any problems and inform the person in charge.

834902 - Ensure that the camp is supplied with perishable products 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Sufficient quantity of perishable products
  • Good organizational skills


  • Receive instructions from the person in charge of the camp concerning the camp site, the length of the stay, the season, the number of workers, etc.
  • Help the person in charge of the camp to take stock of supplies of gasoline, motor oil, propane and heating oil.
  • Help the person in charge of the camp to take stock of supplies (saw blades, nails, screws, glue, ropes, string, line tape, batteries, matches, sample bags, water treatment filters, parts and materials required to make various repairs, etc.).
  • Help the person in charge of the camp to take stock of supplies of various products (anti-mosquito creams, bear spray, etc.).
  • Put together the first-aid and survival kits and ensure that they are complete, clean and in good condition.
  • Check the condition of the fire extinguishers, carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, etc.
  • Make a list of perishable products and take note of what needs to be purchased.
  • Have the list approved by the person in charge of the camp.
  • Obtain perishable products.
  • Send bills to the accounting service. Optional task or competency
  • Fill out an inventory form. Optional task or competency
  • Assemble and wrap the products and place them in containers suitable for transport.
  • Detect any problems and inform the person in charge.

834903 - Help load and unload a vehicle in a remote location 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Accurate interpretation of signals from drivers or pilots


  • Receive instructions from the person in charge of the camp with regard to the transportation of the equipment and perishable products.
  • Receive instructions from the driver of the vehicle or the pilot of the motorboat or aircraft with regard to the safety measures to be observed when loading and unloading and for load stability, stowage, etc.
  • Check the condition of the harness, if applicable.
  • Move by hand the equipment and the containers of perishable products.
  • Place the equipment and containers in the box of a four-wheel-drive pick-up truck, the trailer of an all-terrain vehicle, a snowmobile cutter, a motorboat, a helicopter or seaplane.
  • Stow the equipment and contents.
  • Store the material (harness, ropes, straps, etc.).

834904 - Help put up and take down tents 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Observance of environmental laws and regulations
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Proper use of tools (chainsaw, brush cutter, secateurs, etc.)
  • Concern for the safety and comfort of workers
  • Demonstration of ability to work in a team


  • Ask where the camp is to be located.
  • Prepare the site: clear away the underbrush, level the ground and dig run-off trenches or build a platform.
  • Take out the material and arrange it in an orderly manner.
  • Install the tent poles, drive the pegs into the ground and attach the tent lines.
  • Check the solidity of the tents.
  • Unfold the camp beds, tables and chairs and arrange them in the appropriate places.
  • Arrange the spaces and store the products.
  • Attach the carbon dioxide, smoke and hydrocarbon detectors, etc.
  • Detect any problems and inform the person in charge.

834905 - Help install a water supply system 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Observance of environmental laws and regulations
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Appropriate use of tools
  • Integrity of the water supply system


  • Locate a water source and have it approved. Optional task or competency
  • Bring the pumping equipment (gasoline pump or submersible pump, pipes, couplings, clamps, etc.).
  • Connect the pump pipes, if applicable, and unroll the water intake hose and attach the couplings.
  • Check the fuel (gasoline) level and turn on the pump or generator.
  • Check how well the system functions and how leak proof it is.
  • Protect the pipes against frost and breakage. Optional task or competency
  • Connect the water intake hose to the water reservoir or to the sanitation facilities.
  • Repair broken pipes.
  • Detect any problems and inform the person in charge.

834906 - Help install a heating system running on propane, fuel oil or wood Optional task or competency 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Observance of WHMIS rules
  • Observance of environmental laws and regulations
  • Correct application of methods to prevent forest fires.
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Appropriate use of tools
  • Safe installation


  • Bring the propane canisters to the heating units and connect them: ensure that there are no leakages from the canisters, install and check the couplings, turn the gas on and off, perform up-to-date maintenance tests, etc. Optional task or competency
  • Connect the heating units to the oil drum.
  • Connect the heating units to the generator: unroll the wires from their spools, perform the hook-ups, check the fuel (gas) level and add fuel when needed, and turn on the generator.
  • Help to install a wood-burning stove and a funnel. Optional task or competency
  • Prepare the firewood: collect dead wood and bark, split blocks or logs, cord logs, etc.
  • Detect any problems and inform the person in charge.

834907 - Carry out maintenance work and minor repairs on vehicles or motorboats at remote locations 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Observance of environmental laws and regulations
  • Observance of manufacturer’s specifications
  • staying within the limits of the occupation
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Appropriate use of tools
  • Concern for the safety of workers
  • Resourcefulness


  • Fill the gas tanks of the vehicle or outboard motor
  • Check the levels of oil and other liquids and add where needed: select the proper product, pour the required quantity into the appropriate container and close the container.
  • Check the tire pressure, add air if necessary, and check the tires for wear.
  • Check the snowmobile tracks.
  • Repair or replace the tires.
  • Replace fan belts, windshield wipers, bulbs, spark plugs and other parts.
  • Apply fibreglass to motorboats.

834908 - Keep the camp site clean 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Observance of WHMIS rules
  • Observance of environmental laws and regulations
  • Observance of the laws and regulations that apply to wildlife
  • Cleanliness of site


  • Help to install a chemical toilet: dig a hole, supply logs or other building materials, install a toilet seat, a container for the lime, anti-bacterial lozenges, etc. Optional task or competency
  • Take whatever measures are required to prevent contaminant spills and, in case of problems, initiate the decontamination procedure.
  • Collect the gasoline and oil containers, etc., and dispose of them at the designated spot.
  • Collect debris, unused nails, tent lines, papers and all forms of garbage and dispose of them at the designated spot.
  • Dispose of food waste to avoid attracting wild animals.
  • Put away tools and materials.
  • Make sure, from the start, to leave the site in a condition conducive to rehabilitation.

524 - Drive an ATV, snowmobile or motorboat Optional task or competency 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Observance of traffic and navigation rules
  • Observance of procedures for operating and shutting down ATVs, snowmobiles and motorboats
  • Proper use of GPS or radar technology
  • Safe driving of an ATV, snowmobile or motorboat
  • Accurate interpretation of drivers’ hand signals
  • Proper care of ATV, snowmobile or motorboat


  • Inspect the ATV, snowmobile or motorboat (gas and oil levels, condition of batteries and spark plugs, etc.)
  • Attach a trailer or sled.
  • Put on a helmet or lifejacket.
  • Start up the ATV, snowmobile or motorboat.
  • Drive the ATV or snowmobile over different types of terrain (flat or mountainous, frozen lakes or rivers, forest roads, etc.), or navigate the boat on a lake or watercourse.
  • Right an ATV or snowmobile that has flipped over, or turn over a capsized motorboat.
  • Park an ATV or snowmobile, or dock the motorboat.
  • Put a tarpaulin over the ATV, snowmobile or motorboat.

717 - Take action in an emergency situation in a remote area Optional task or competency 2

Performance criteria

  • Observance of occupational health and safety rules
  • staying within the limits of the occupation
  • Observance of the procedure to follow in emergency situations
  • Correct application of the communication protocol
  • Proper use of the material in the first-aid kit
  • Self-control
  • Promptness


  • Recognize that the situation is an emergency.
  • Notify the person in charge or make an emergency call using a cell phone (310 4141 or 911), a short-wave radio system or a satellite device: identify yourself, give the exact site coordinates, explain the situation, find out what measures to take, etc.
  • Apply the prescribed measures.
  • Reassure the person and stay with them until help arrives.
  • Intervene while being mindful of your own safety.
  • Write an event report.

553 - Survival in a remote area Optional task or competency 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Observance of the proper procedure
  • Proper use of the material in the first-aid kit
  • Correct application of the survival techniques, taking into account the place and the season
  • Appropriate reaction in the event of a confrontation with a wild animal
  • Self-control
  • Patience


  • Acknowledge that you are lost.
  • Make a fire: select the site, collect dry wood and branches, moss, bark, etc., arrange the wood, light it and keep feeding the fire.
  • Signal your position: whistle, flashlight, fire, flare, satellite emergency system, etc.
  • Take shelter: find a place to wait for rescue (branches, uprooted tree, rock crevice, etc.) or build an emergency shelter.
  • Find drinking water, eat the dried foods in the survival kit or find food nearby (gather wild fruit and mushrooms known to be edible; capture animals such as porcupines, etc.).
Info Optional competency or task. Competencies or tasks marked with this symbol are not required in all workplaces. They could be included in a student’s training plan if the practicum setting offers the opportunity for the student to apply them.