Directory of Semiskilled Trades

Sector : 03 - Food Services and Tourism Info

8826 Bicycle Repair Attendant

Field of application Bicycle repair attendants work in specialized bicycle or sports equipment stores, bicycle rental stores or self-service bike shops.
Other job titles Bicycle assembler-repairer in a self-service (do-it-yourself) bike shop; bicycle repairer

718 - Serve the customers of a sports equipment rental or repair business 2

Performance criteria

  • staying within the limits of the occupation
  • Courteous service
  • Listening carefully to customers
  • Relevant, accurate and clear information provided
  • Accurate information entered on slips
  • Concern for customer safety and satisfaction


  • Greet the customer.
  • Understand the request.
  • Provide information on the services offered.
  • Provide information on the use, maintenance or storage of equipment.
  • Present the health and safety rules.
  • Consider whether it is appropriate to refuse to carry out an adjustment or repair.
  • Explain the work to be done and the approximate cost of the repair.
  • Fill in the slips or enter the information.

832601 - Assemble a bicycle 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Observance of manufacturer’s specifications
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Proper use of tools
  • Compliance with assembly plan
  • Careful handling of bicycle
  • Consideration of customers’ physical characteristics


  • Read the work sheet.
  • Read the instruction manual.
  • Assemble bicycle parts.
  • Adjust brakes, chain tension and gears.
  • Adjust the handlebar, seat and pedals.
  • Grease or lubricate parts.
  • Check the tire pressure and add air, if necessary.
  • Check the wheel alignment and align the wheels, if necessary.
  • Check the installation of reflectors.
  • Fasten and screw on accessories (baby seats/child carriers, bag racks, baskets, bags) and make adjustments.
  • Check that the bicycle is working properly.
  • Fill out administrative forms and forward them to the appropriate department or person.

832602 - Maintain a bicycle 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Observance of manufacturer’s specifications
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Proper use of tools
  • Appropriate functioning bicycle
  • Careful handling of bicycle
  • Concern for customer safety and satisfaction


  • Read the work sheet.
  • Read the instruction manual.
  • Adjust the handlebar.
  • Adjust the seat.
  • Adjust the pedals.
  • Check the tire pressure and add air.
  • Grease or lubricate parts.
  • Check that the bicycle is working properly.
  • Fill out administrative forms and forward them to the appropriate department or person.

832603 - Repair a bicycle 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Observance of manufacturer’s specifications
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Proper use of tools
  • Appropriate functioning bicycle
  • Careful handling of bicycle
  • Concern for customer safety and satisfaction


  • Read the work sheet.
  • Read the instruction manual.
  • Replace parts: seat, pedals, chain, etc.
  • Repair brakes.
  • Repair a flat tire.
  • Check that the bicycle is working properly.
  • Fill out administrative forms and forward them to the appropriate department or person.

832604 - Provide mobile bicycle repair service Optional task or competency 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • staying within the limits of the occupation
  • Observance of the Highway Safety Code
  • Appropriate judgment
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Civility
  • Concern for customer safety and satisfaction
  • Efficient work


  • Check that everything is in order before going out on the road (condition of bicycle and accessories, toolkit, cellphone).
  • Put on uniform and helmet.
  • Ride out to bike parks. using a global positioning system (GPS).
  • Locate damaged bicycles.
  • Inspect or test bicycles in order to identify problems.
  • Determine whether a bicycle can be repaired on the spot or must be sent to the repair shop.
  • Perform the work on site or communicate with the appropriate person in the shop.
  • Fill out administrative forms and, once back in the shop, forward them to the appropriate department or person.

10 - Receive payment from customers Optional task or competency 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Courteous service
  • Honesty
  • Accurate calculations and data entered
  • Proper use of computerized equipment


  • Receive money and give change.
  • Use a cash register, computerized sales equipment or a point-of-sale terminal to receive payment by credit or debit card.
  • Charge amounts to customers’ accounts. Optional task or competency
  • Give receipts, sales slips, transaction records, etc.

505 - Keep the work areas clean and orderly in a sports equipment rental or repair business 1

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Compliance with the storage or warehousing plan
  • Order and cleanliness


  • Put away tools, parts, materials, products, etc.
  • Wipe workbenches and shelves.
  • Stock the workstation.
  • Sweep floors.
  • Salvage scrap materials for recycling or dispose of waste.
  • Empty garbage cans.
Info Optional competency or task. Competencies or tasks marked with this symbol are not required in all workplaces. They could be included in a student’s training plan if the practicum setting offers the opportunity for the student to apply them.