Directory of Semiskilled Trades

Sector : 17 - Transportation Info

8679 Delivery Driver

Field of application Delivery drivers work alone and are employed by restaurants, grocery stores, pharmacies, etc. They may also be employed by a courier service, dry cleaning service, etc.
Other job titles Delivery person
Information specific to the trade A valid class 5 driver’s license is required.

531 - Inspect the vehicle at the start of every shift 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • staying within the limits of the occupation
  • Proper application of work techniques


  • Ensure that the vehicle is in good working order: check brakes, headlights and blinkers, etc.
  • Check the fuel level and fill up the tank as needed.
  • Check the oil levels and top them us as needed: select product, pour a sufficient amount in the appropriate place, close and put away or throw out the container.
  • Check the levels of all other fluids and top them up as needed: select product, pour a sufficient amount in the appropriate place, close and put away or throw out the container.
  • Check the tire pressure and inflate as needed; check for signs of wear.
  • Clean and tidy up the interior of the vehicle.

817901 - Prepare for the pick-up or delivery of merchandise 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Careful handling of merchandise.
  • Concern for company profitability


  • Find out where to pick up or deliver the merchandise.
  • Plan the route to take or find out about the planned itinerary.
  • Load the merchandise into the vehicle according to the itinerary. Optional task or competency
  • Take the measures required to prevent loss of or damage to merchandise.
  • Ensure that no merchandise is forgotten.

817902 - Deliver or pick up merchandise 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Observance of the Highway Safety Code
  • Courteousness and professionalism while driving.
  • Careful handling of merchandise.
  • Efficiency


  • Drive the delivery vehicle.
  • Ensure the vehicle’s safety: turn off the engine, park correctly, lock the doors, etc.
  • Prevent health and safety risks: pay attention to the condition of different locations (slippery stairs or floors, poorly lit, cramped or cluttered spaces, etc.) and to customer behaviour (impatient, angry, etc.).
  • Transport or pick up merchandise.
  • Take possession of and verify merchandise returned by the customer. Optional task or competency
  • Fill out an invoice or delivery slip and give a copy to the customer. Optional task or competency
  • Have the customer sign the invoice or delivery slip. Optional task or competency
  • Unload the vehicle upon return. Optional task or competency
  • Record information about the pick-ups or deliveries: kilometres driven, gas consumption, mechanical problems, etc. Optional task or competency
  • File the delivery slips and send them to the designated location.

10 - Receive payment from customers 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Courteous service
  • Honesty
  • Accurate calculations and data entered
  • Proper use of computerized equipment


  • Receive money and give change.
  • Use a cash register, computerized sales equipment or a point-of-sale terminal to receive payment by credit or debit card. Optional task or competency
  • Charge amounts to customers’ accounts. Optional task or competency
  • Give receipts, sales slips, transaction records, etc.
Info Optional competency or task. Competencies or tasks marked with this symbol are not required in all workplaces. They could be included in a student’s training plan if the practicum setting offers the opportunity for the student to apply them.