Directory of Semiskilled Trades

Sector : 02 - Agriculture and Fisheries Info

8638 Florist’s Helper

Field of application Florist’s helpers work in retail establishments.
Other job titles Florist assistant

813801 - Serve customers 2

Performance criteria

  • Staying within the limits of the occupation
  • Courteous service
  • Relevant, accurate and clear information provided
  • Vigilance with respect to risky situations


  • Greet customers.
  • Answer the telephone.
  • Provide customers with information on prices, payment terms, return policy, etc.
  • Direct customers toward the product requested or retrieve the merchandise for them.
  • Take orders: fill out a purchase order, indicate the time and date of delivery, etc.
  • Prepare orders.
  • Suggest products to customers. Optional task or competency
  • Wrap or bag merchandise.
  • Notify the person in charge of customer complaints or situations presenting risk (breakage, shoplifting, etc.).

10 - Receive payment from customers Optional task or competency 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Courteous service
  • Honesty
  • Accurate calculations and data entered
  • Proper use of computerized equipment


  • Receive money and give change.
  • Use a cash register, computerized sales equipment or a point-of-sale terminal to receive payment by credit or debit card.
  • Charge amounts to customers’ accounts. Optional task or competency
  • Give receipts, sales slips, transaction records, etc.

813802 - Help take care of cut flowers and plants 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Careful handling of plants and flowers
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Order and cleanliness


  • Change the water and add products to prolong the life of cut flowers.
  • Rotate the flowers.
  • Feed the plants.
  • Water the plants according to the florist’s instructions.
  • Pull off dead leaves and faded flowers.
  • Stake the plants if necessary. Optional task or competency
  • Spray and polish the foliage. Optional task or competency

813803 - Help the florist prepare wreaths, floral arrangements and bouquets 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Meticulous work
  • Order and cleanliness


  • Prepare the materials and products selected by the florist.
  • Help prepare wreaths.
  • Help prepare floral arrangements.
  • Help prepare bouquets.
  • Wrap floral arrangements.

813804 - Receive and display merchandise at the florist’s 2

Performance criteria

  • Observance of occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Compliance with display plan
  • Accurate and visible labelling
  • Visibility of brand names
  • Order and cleanliness


  • Receive merchandise and check the quality of the flowers and nonperishable merchandise.
  • Compare the quantities received against invoices or other documents.
  • Remove the flowers from their packaging and place them in the refrigerator.
  • Unwrap, sort and put away other merchandise in the designated storage areas.
  • Gather the cases and products to be displayed.
  • Affix prices to products, shelves and displays.
  • Position products.
  • Regularly stock and organize shelves.
  • Retrieve articles on sale and stock displays. Optional task or competency
  • Assemble and disassemble islands, displays, shelves, etc. Optional task or competency
  • Set up or remove decorations. Optional task or competency

101 - Keep the store clean and orderly. 1

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with layout plan
  • Compliance with the storage or warehousing plan
  • Order and cleanliness


  • Replace products, mobile displays, advertising posters, etc.
  • Dust or wash the shelves.
  • Sweep the aisles.
  • Tidy up and wash the counters.
  • Wash the cold rooms and refrigerators.
Info Optional competency or task. Competencies or tasks marked with this symbol are not required in all workplaces. They could be included in a student’s training plan if the practicum setting offers the opportunity for the student to apply them.