Directory of Semiskilled Trades

Sector : 15 - Mining and Site Operations Info

8848 Assistant Driller (surface diamond drilling)

The competency has been added.
Field of application Assistant drillers work for diamond drilling companies that carry out surface drilling and must meet the legal requirements for working underground or on open-pit diamond drilling sites. Section 27.1 of the Regulation respecting occupational health and safety in mines stipulates that any person working underground must undergo training in occupational health and safety in accordance with Modules I, II, III, IV, V and VII of the modular course for miners published by the Commission Scolaire de l’Or-et-des-Bois. Section 27.2 stipulates that any person using manually operated underground drilling equipment must undergo training in occupational health and safety in accordance with Module VI.
Other job titles Assistant diamond drill operator
Information specific to the trade Section 27.1 of the Regulation respecting occupational health and safety in mines stipulates that any person working underground must “undergo training . . . in accordance with Modules I, II, III, IV, V and VII of the modular course for miners published by the Commission scolaire de l’Or-et-des-Bois and hold an attestation to that effect issued by the Commission scolaire de l’Or-et-des-Bois.” The minimum age for operating a snowmobile or an all-terrain vehicle (quad) is 16. The minimum age to work underground is 18 years; the minimum age to work in an open-pit mine is 16 years.

834801 - Assist the diamond drill operator in preparing the surface drilling site 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Observance of environmental laws and regulations
  • Observance of procedures used in forestry
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Proper use of tools (chainsaw, brush cutter, secateurs, etc.)
  • Clear communication with drill operator
  • Demonstration of ability to work in a team
  • Resourcefulness


  • Clear an access road to the site.
  • Cut down trees. Optional task or competency
  • Cut branches from deciduous and pine trees.
  • Place tree trunks along trails and saw them.
  • Make a bridge: place tree trunks or other materials across watercourse, attach them together, etc.
  • Level out the site: shovel earth, remove rocks, pack snow, etc.
  • Thicken the ice on a frozen body of water. Optional task or competency
  • Make sure to leave the site in such a way as to facilitate rehabilitation.

834802 - Assist the diamond drill operator in installing or uninstalling surface drilling equipment 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Observance of WHMIS rules
  • Observance of environmental laws and regulations
  • staying within the limits of the occupation
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Proper use of tools and lifting equipment
  • Clear communication with drill operator
  • Demonstration of ability to work in a team
  • Careful use of equipment
  • Resourcefulness


  • Find out from drill operator what work needs to be done and in what order.
  • Assist the drill operator: get tools, parts, etc.
  • Unroll cables.
  • Place the drill string near the drill.
  • Hold equipment parts when installing or uninstalling the drill, etc.
  • Perform various minor repairs. Optional task or competency
  • Put away diamond drilling equipment.
  • Anchor the drill with the drill string or tractor.
  • Assist the drill operator when loading or unloading airlifted drilling materials: interpret the pilot’s signals, find a discharging route, apply the prescribed measures for working under a helicopter, etc.

834803 - Install a water supply system 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Observance of environmental laws and regulations
  • Observance of procedures used in forestry
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Appropriate use of tools
  • Safe handling of propane gas cylinders
  • Resourcefulness
  • Integrity of the water supply system


  • Read the instructions from the diamond drill operator (locating a water source, the water pump and pipes).
  • Build a platform or shelter for the water pump, taking into account the distance and depth of the water source and the area liable to flooding.
  • Transport the water pump and place it on the platform.
  • Install piping: place the filter at the end of the pipe, place it in the water and couple with water pump.
  • Install the water pipe: couple with water pump, unroll the pipe and carry out other couplings if necessary.
  • Fill the gas reservoir and check the oil.
  • Run the water pump.
  • Check that the water supply system is working properly and that it is watertight.
  • Install a water heater. Optional task or competency
  • Lay pipes under the snow. Optional task or competency
  • Have work inspected by the diamond drill operator.

834804 - Assist the diamond drill operator in carrying out surface drilling work 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • staying within the limits of the occupation
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Appropriate use of tools
  • Clear communication with drill operator
  • Demonstration of ability to work in a team
  • Careful handling of equipment
  • Careful handling of core samples
  • Cleanliness of core samples and their proper placement in a box


  • Approach the drill pipes.
  • Retrieve the core samples: send down a cable with pincers attached into the drill hole, bring the core sample tube back up, extract the core sample and place it in a box.
  • Send the empty core sample tube back down.
  • Add a drill pipe.
  • Empty the core sample tube correctly.
  • Record information: drill hole number, drilling depth and box number.
  • Retrieve the drill pipes when the work is finished.

834805 - Ensure the cleanliness of surface drilling site 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Observance of environmental laws and regulations
  • Cleanliness of site


  • Make sure all the necessary equipment is on hand for containing spills of contaminants.
  • Take the necessary measures to avoid spills of contaminants.
  • Collect containers of gas, oil, etc. and throw them out in the designated area.
  • Collect debris from materials, nails, wire, paper, food containers and any other debris, and discard them in the designated area.
  • Take down temporary installations: water supply system, boardwalk, platform, culvert, etc., before leaving the drill site (except for bridge foundations).
  • Put away tools and materials.

524 - Drive an ATV, snowmobile or motorboat Optional task or competency 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Observance of traffic and navigation rules
  • Observance of procedures for operating and shutting down ATVs, snowmobiles and motorboats
  • Proper use of GPS or radar technology
  • Safe driving of an ATV, snowmobile or motorboat
  • Accurate interpretation of drivers’ hand signals
  • Proper care of ATV, snowmobile or motorboat


  • Inspect the ATV, snowmobile or motorboat (gas and oil levels, condition of batteries and spark plugs, etc.)
  • Attach a trailer or sled.
  • Put on a helmet or lifejacket.
  • Start up the ATV, snowmobile or motorboat.
  • Drive the ATV or snowmobile over different types of terrain (flat or mountainous, frozen lakes or rivers, forest roads, etc.), or navigate the boat on a lake or watercourse.
  • Right an ATV or snowmobile that has flipped over, or turn over a capsized motorboat.
  • Park an ATV or snowmobile, or dock the motorboat.
  • Put a tarpaulin over the ATV, snowmobile or motorboat.

717 - Take action in an emergency situation in a remote area Optional task or competency 2

Performance criteria

  • Observance of occupational health and safety rules
  • staying within the limits of the occupation
  • Observance of the procedure to follow in emergency situations
  • Correct application of the communication protocol
  • Proper use of the material in the first-aid kit
  • Self-control
  • Promptness


  • Recognize that the situation is an emergency.
  • Notify the person in charge or make an emergency call using a cell phone (310 4141 or 911), a short-wave radio system or a satellite device: identify yourself, give the exact site coordinates, explain the situation, find out what measures to take, etc.
  • Apply the prescribed measures.
  • Reassure the person and stay with them until help arrives.
  • Intervene while being mindful of your own safety.
  • Write an event report.
Info Optional competency or task. Competencies or tasks marked with this symbol are not required in all workplaces. They could be included in a student’s training plan if the practicum setting offers the opportunity for the student to apply them.