Directory of Semiskilled Trades

Sector : 13 - Communications and Documentation Info

8741 Mail Preparation Machine Operator

The competency has been added.
Field of application Mail preparation machine operators use various types of equipment to prepare outgoing mail. They work for public organizations, service providers, manufacturers, mail processing companies or adapted enterprises that are specialized in mail preparation.
Other job titles Inserting machine operator

824101 - Operate a folder-inserter with multiple insert stations 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Compliance with quality standards
  • Observance of production deadlines
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Correct application of equipment start-up procedures
  • Meticulous work
  • Compliance with the production order


  • Receive instructions for stuffing the envelopes.
  • Check the quality of the documents before starting the task.
  • Set up the folding unit, when necessary, in accordance with the type of fold (letter fold, double fold, etc.). Optional task or competency
  • Set up the inserting machine: make adjustments according to the type and format of the envelopes, check the water level and adjust when needed, etc.
  • Set the production parameters (envelope format, number of feeders, etc.). Optional task or competency
  • Load the envelopes into the feeder.
  • Load the document(s) into the feeder(s) in the order in which they must be inserted into the envelopes.
  • Produce an unsealed sample in order to check that the documents have been inserted properly.
  • Start production.
  • Monitor the inserter during production and fix any problems that may arise (shortage of documents, documents inserted twice, paper jams, problems with the glue, etc.).
  • Remove the envelopes from the delivery unit.
  • Check the quality of the work.
  • Place the piles of enveloped into bins.
  • Detect any problems and immediately inform the primary operator.

824102 - Operate a stamp affixer 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Compliance with quality standards
  • Observance of production deadlines
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Correct application of equipment start-up procedures
  • Meticulous work
  • Compliance with the production order


  • Receive instructions for stamping the envelopes.
  • Check the quality of the sealed envelopes before starting the task.
  • Set the production parameters (quantity of envelopes, cost of stamping, etc.). ? Optional task or competency
  • Place the sealed envelopes on the feeder.
  • Start production.
  • Monitor the stamp affixer and fix any problems that arise (blocked envelope, etc.).
  • Remove the stamped envelopes from the delivery unit.
  • Check the quality of the work.
  • Place the piles of stamped envelopes into bins.
  • Detect any problems and immediately inform the primary operator.

824103 - Operate a shrink wrapper 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Compliance with quality standards
  • Observance of production deadlines
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Correct application of equipment start-up procedures
  • Meticulous work
  • Compliance with the production order


  • Receive instructions for sealing the envelopes.
  • Check the quality of the publications (magazines, catalogues, etc.) before starting the task.
  • Prepare the shrink wrapper: check the amount of materials available, restock when needed, etc.
  • Set the production parameters (quantity of publications, format, etc.). Optional task or competency
  • Place the publications (magazines, catalogues, etc.) on the feeder.
  • Start production.
  • Monitor the packaging machine and fix any problems that arise.
  • Remove sealed publications from the delivery unit.
  • Check the quality of the work.
  • Place the publications into bins.
  • Detect any problems and immediately inform the primary operator.

824104 - Operate an ink-jet addressing machine or one that uses continuous forms Optional task or competency 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Compliance with quality standards
  • staying within the limits of the occupation
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Correct application of equipment start-up procedures
  • Meticulous work


  • Receive instructions for addressing the documents (envelopes, magazines, fliers, etc.).
  • Check the quality of the documents before starting the task.
  • Make various adjustments (feeder, guides, etc.). Optional task or competency
  • Replace ink cartridges. Optional task or competency
  • Make sure that the feeder is clean.
  • Set the parameters of the addressing machine (envelope format, number of envelopes, labels, etc.). Optional task or competency
  • Fan out the pile of documents.
  • Correctly align the pile of documents by jogging them against a flat surface.
  • Place the documents on the feeder in the right direction.
  • Test the print quality.
  • Start production.
  • Monitor the addressing machine and fix any problems that arise.
  • Detect the star symbol indicating the end of a run and remove the documents from the delivery unit.
  • Secure sheet bundles.
  • Check the quality of the work.
  • Place the piles of documents into bins or according to the client’s specifications.
  • Detect any problems and immediately inform the primary operator.

824105 - Help maintain the mail preparation machines and work area 1

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Observance of maintenance schedule
  • staying within the limits of the occupation
  • Proper application of work techniques
  • Use of appropriate cleaning materials and products
  • Cleanliness of equipment
  • Concern for using materials sparingly
  • Demonstration of ability to work in a team


  • Clean the tools and equipment.
  • Sort and put away all materials used.
  • Have on hand all the materials and products needed to clean the machines.
  • Clean the machine’s internal and external parts.
  • Clean and sweep the work area.
  • Salvage scrap materials for recycling and dispose of waste.
  • Reports signs of breakage to the maintenance department or person in charge.
Info Optional competency or task. Competencies or tasks marked with this symbol are not required in all workplaces. They could be included in a student’s training plan if the practicum setting offers the opportunity for the student to apply them.