Directory of Semiskilled Trades

Sector : 08 - Land Use Planning and the Environment Info

8711 Clothing Sorter/Labeller

The competency has been added.
Field of application Clothing sorters/labellers work in second-hand stores, handling counters, clothing donation centers or any other organization involved in collecting and reselling clothing and other items.
Other job titles No other job title

821101 - Pre-sort clothing 1

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Appropriate judgment
  • Demonstration of a keen sense of observation
  • Quick execution
  • Understanding of the importance of recycling and reuse


  • Take articles out of bags, boxes or containers.
  • Verify the condition of clothing, shoes and other articles.
  • When in doubt, ask the supervisor about the value of clothing or coats (i.e. furs, leather).
  • Gather the nonreusable clothing, shoes and other articles (i.e. clothes that are stained, torn, deformed, no longer fashionable) and place them in recycling or garbage bins.
  • Gather the clothing, shoes and other articles requiring small repairs (i.e. broken zippers, unsewn hemlines or loose buttons) and place them in bins to be sent to the appropriate location.
  • Gather the out-of-season clothing, shoes and other articles and place them in bins to be sent to the warehouse.
  • Gather the in-season clothing, shoes and other articles in good condition and place them in bins to be sent for sorting.

821102 - Sort in-season articles of clothing 1

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Appropriate judgment
  • Demonstration of a keen sense of observation
  • Quick execution
  • Understanding of the importance of recycling and reuse


  • Group women’s clothing by category.
  • Group men’s clothing by category.
  • Group children’s clothing by category.
  • Remove clothing that does not fit the established criteria for sale and send the articles to the appropriate location.

821103 - Sort household articles 1

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Appropriate judgment
  • Demonstration of a keen sense of observation
  • Quick execution


  • Verify the condition of household articles.
  • When in doubt, ask the supervisor about the value of the articles (i.e. china, silverware, crystal).
  • Gather nonreusable articles (i.e. chipped dishes, burnt pans, broken toasters or knickknacks) and place them in recycling or waste bins.
  • Group articles that may be sold, by category.

821104 - Sort toys and stuffed animals 1

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Appropriate judgment
  • Demonstration of a keen sense of observation
  • Quick execution


  • Verify the condition of toys or stuffed animals.
  • When in doubt, ask the supervisor whether a toy should be kept.
  • Gather the nonreusable toys or stuffed animals and place them in recycling or waste bins.
  • Gather the toys requiring small repairs and place them in bins to be sent for repair, if applicable. Optional task or competency
  • Group the toys and stuffed animals that may be sold, by category.

821105 - Sort books, magazines and CDs Optional task or competency 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Appropriate judgment
  • Demonstration of a keen sense of observation
  • Quick execution


  • Verify the condition of books, magazines or CDs.
  • When in doubt, ask the supervisor about the value of books or CDs (i.e. rare books or CDs).
  • Gather the irrecoverable books, magazines or CDs (i.e. books that are torn or marked up, broken CDs, etc.) and place them in recycling or waste bins.
  • Group the books, magazines or CDs that may be sold, by category.

821106 - Label clothing and other articles 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with occupational health and safety rules
  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Appropriate judgment
  • Demonstration of a keen sense of observation
  • Accurate labelling


  • Ensure that a sufficient quantity of labelling materials is available.
  • Verify the condition of the articles to be sold.
  • Interpret the pricing chart.
  • Write the codes and prices on the labels as well as the size, if applicable.
  • Group the different articles (i.e. clothing for men, women and children, books and CDs).

10 - Receive payment from customers Optional task or competency 2

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with work instructions
  • Courteous service
  • Honesty
  • Accurate calculations and data entered
  • Proper use of computerized equipment


  • Receive money and give change.
  • Use a cash register, computerized sales equipment or a point-of-sale terminal to receive payment by credit or debit card.
  • Charge amounts to customers’ accounts. Optional task or competency
  • Give receipts, sales slips, transaction records, etc.

821107 - Keep the workstation clean and orderly 1

Performance criteria

  • Compliance with the stocking or storage plan
  • Order and cleanliness


  • Clean the equipment and machines. Optional task or competency
  • Put away the accessories, forms, materials, etc.
  • Dust or clean the workstation.
Info Optional competency or task. Competencies or tasks marked with this symbol are not required in all workplaces. They could be included in a student’s training plan if the practicum setting offers the opportunity for the student to apply them.